Types of Aerobics and Various Benefits

Aerobics is one of the most popular types of sport in society. The use of music, dance, equipment and other facilities has contributed to its popularity.

Aerobic exercise is aimed to increase the heart rate for a certain period of time. That way the body will have a higher oxygen intake is good for blood circulation, weight loss, burning calories and fat faster. There are also other physical activity that can be regarded as aerobic exercise, such as swimming, running, walking, jogging, and cycling.

Aerobic exercise begins with a 5 to 10 minute warm-up. Then followed by the actual sport movement, which lasted about 20-30 minutes. And the last is the cooling process.

There are several types of aerobics that are tailored to an individual's ability level. Skills, health and comfort are the things that should be considered first. Some of these types are:

1. Low-impact Aerobics

As the name implies, do not include low-impact activities that can harm bones and joints such as jumping and bouncing. Movement by having a lower intensity, thus reducing the risk of injury. In this exercise, one or both feet should always touch the floor. With a low-impact exercise, you do not need to start at a high level. You can begin to do so at a slower rate and will increase gradually. Low-impact aerobics is ideal for the elderly, the obese and overweight and pregnant women. 

2. High-Impact Aerobics

High-impact aerobics using different movements, such as jumping motion, rotating, dragging, copying, etc. Such a move is intended to build the abdominal area, legs, and also the cardiovascular system.

For those of you who agile and active, high-impact aerobics may be the best option. But if you are a beginner, it is advisable to follow a low-impact aerobics.

Keep in mind that a doctor's advice is very important!

3. Step aerobics

Step aerobics uses footing bench (step bench) in its implementation. This type of aerobic as low risk. There are studies showing that step aerobics can help a person lose weight, given the fact that its impact is only half of the effects when cycling. Overall, the process or the sport is dedicated to the lower body strength.

4. aerobic kickboxing

It is one of the most effective exercise to lose weight. Though, aerobic kickboxing exhausting, but its impact on the body is very large.
This sport can obviously help in building more energy and stamina for longer. Aerobic kickboxing can burn about 800 calories in one hour.

5. Water aerobics


There is another low-risk aerobic but gives great results, both for weight loss and improve your overall health, the water aerobics.

According to experts, this one aerobics burns calories faster than the sport that touches the floor because the movement against the force of the water.

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5 Types of Sports For Heart Health

The heart is one of the vital organs in the body. Maintaining a healthy heart is important for the health of the body. To get a healthy heart, surely someone should do business like living a healthy lifestyle and avoid things that are harmful to the heart.

In addition, exercise can also be done to maintain heart health. Here are five types of exercise should be done regularly to maintain health.

 1. Swim

Swim can reduce stress. In addition, when swimming someone will use muscles that had never moved. It can provide several benefits to the heart such as heart rate, help breathing, blood circulation, maintaining blood pressure, and others.

 2. Cycling

One of the causes of heart disease is a passive lifestyle. Cycling is one way to exercise with fun and keep the body moving. Cycling can also be done by people of all ages and is very good for the heart, blood vessels, and lungs. Cycling regularly will reduce the risk of heart problems such as stroke, heart attack, and others.

3. Walk

Streets or a brisk walk in the morning is very good for the heart. Brisk walking can increase heart rate and lowers the risk of heart attack if done regularly. In addition, brisk walking can also reduce levels of bad cholesterol, increase good cholesterol, lowers blood pressure, maintain weight, and improve mood.

4. Running

Running is also good for heart health. Running will increase endurance and heart, as well as reducing the amount of fat around the heart and blood vessels.

5. Aerobic

Aerobic helps the heart muscle to be more powerful when exercising. This exercise also makes the heart pump blood more efficiently. Therefore, do aerobics will maintain heart health and protect it from disease.

That is some kind of exercise should you do if you want to get a healthy heart. Exercise on a regular basis will protect your heart from a variety of problems and diseases. But remember, do not exercise excessive because it can also affect bad for the heart.

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Food That Can Help Men Muscle Formation

Foods containing protein - Having a muscular body ideal and the dream of all men and women, but it is not easy to get a lot of ways and effort we have to do, in addition to requiring substantial costs should also be supported by a healthy lifestyle as well as the type of food , drinks and supplements as a support to get a muscular body.

For now it may be many ways in which to get a muscular body like join a gym, fitness, weight lifting, but our results are less satisfactory. but sport as it is a way of interest for men and women to get a muscular body and ideal.

Foods that contain protein to build muscle

In the body build muscle proteins have a very important role, because the protein's function is to build and repair muscle tissue. without adequate protein intake then to form a muscular body or body ideal for women is very difficult and certainly requires a long time.

Foods containing protein is a natural supplement that can help your muscle building process, but the food is anything that can support it ?

Actually get a muscular body, it can be said tricky, please note that in the form of muscle and ideal body should be supported by careful planning, desire and discipline.

In this article let us discuss some of the foods that contain protein which can help to build and repair muscles in men and women that you can use as a guide in shaping the muscles and tighten certain parts of your body. 

Foods Containing Protein

1. Milk
Milk is a good source of protein can help build muscle quickly, in addition to the vitamins and minerals in milk is very useful for the recovery and development of your muscles after exercise and fitness. milk should you drink is milk chocolate, milk chocolate because it is more effective than the white milk.
Eggs are high protein foods are very good for supporting the formation of muscle in your body, in addition to having a high protein food types is also highly recommended for those of you who follow the fitness or weight-bearing exercise. For eggs, parts of which you use as a source of protein is egg whites only and make sure these are duck eggs or chicken eggs.
Yogurt is a type of food that is derived from the fermentation of milk with a bacterium that has a high protein, take advantage of this yogurt sidelines you consume any other protein. We recommend that you consume yogurt is yogurt that bid for a maximum of protein and nutrients can we get in muscle formation.

Sources of Protein Foods of Animal Origin


Tuna fish
Tuna is one of the foods that contain protein, vitamin D, and iron but contains little fat. These foods can help build muscle and developing muscles, usually fish is widely consumed by men who entered the contest because the tuna body builder gives quick results. For those of you who want to have a muscular body, there is no harm in consuming any food proteins derived from these animals.
Beef, buffalo, or deer
The third animal meat contains a lot of nutrients and nutrients that are good for your muscle building process such as omega-3 fatty acids, unsaturated fats, vitamins A, E, B, phosphorus, zinc, as well as a solid source of protein.
Chicken breast
Chicken body parts are very useful in the formation of your muscles is chest, because the chicken breasts are very high protein content. In the processing of foods containing these proteins should not use oil, so its nutrient content is not lost much like baked.

But if you want to cultivate in addition to baked goods you are advised to use olive oil or with a little oil mixture.

Protein Food Source of Plant Origin

1. Broccoli
     In broccoli there are many vitamins such as vitamin A, C, E, K, B1, B2, B3, and B12. Vitamins are contained in broccoli can strengthen the immune system, good for muscle growth and bone strengthening, preferably in the food processing do not use oil.
2. Arab beans
     Nuts are high in protein-containing foods, but to build muscle you should select arabic bean, beans of this type have a high protein low in fat and rich in fiber that can accelerate your muscle growth.
3. Spinach
     A study shows that spinach can help to improve your muscle growth but you must consume them in large numbers, to meet the needs of as many as 20% of protein you should consume at least as much as 1 kg of spinach a day.

Now that's some kind of foods that are high in protein which can help build muscle men, as well as toning the body for women. With regular exercise and discipline of exercise or fitness, the ideal body can be found quickly. 

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5 Simple Sports Easy And Healthy

Sport is one of the types of activities that can make our body healthy and fit every day. Various sports movement that we do can help eliminate flex and stiffness or muscle tension in our bodies. Therefore, Sport is one kind is the recommended activities in our daily life. Then, is there is a simple exercise and healthy body?.

       Various sports can we do every day like a football, marathon running, swimming, playing basketball or the other. But there was also a simple exercise that is easy and fun to do by us every day without having to take a lot of time in busy schedules of our daily routine. Companions, health tips. Here are 5 simple type of exercise that is easy and fun that we can do every day:

1. On Foot
     Simple exercise you can do is walk. It is one kind of simple exercise that you can do every day.    Please take a moment of your time each morning to walk or if the distance of the school or where you work close enough, you can walk to reach school or your place of work

2. Running
The second simple sport that is running. Maybe this is one sport that is not difficult to do. You can spend some time in the morning to do the kind of sport this one. This exercise is very good for your muscle mass and burn calories in your body.

3. Push Up 
Simple exercise to three, namely push ups and sit ups. This sport is not too much of your time and you can do on the sidelines of your daily activities. The benefits of this exercise is to burn calories your body and make your body fit and able to build muscle your body.

4. Gymnastics
The fourth is a simple sport of gymnastics. This exercise is also very easy to do every day. If the music accompanied the sport is also more fun to do everyday. this sport can also be done by everyone at all levels of the age of the children to the elderly. The benefits are good for the health of your body and keep your fitness every day.

5. Cycling
The fifth is a simple sport of cycling. This exercise is also very easy to do by everyone at various age levels. You can do it every morning before your intensive activity each day. The benefit is also very good for maintaining the condition and health and fitness of your body.

Thus health tips to review 5 which is a simple exercise and nourish your body. May be useful for all companions. 

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Naturally Upper Arm Shrink by Sport

Women always want to look beautiful with strong limbs. But sometimes, less physical activity even make it loose, including the hands, which is normally open. Many women who want to shrink the upper arm, because they feel less comfortable and confident when using a sleeveless dress. Moreover, with age, more and more fat, and potentially make parts of your body become increasingly flabby and sagging.

As the development of technology that has penetrated the world of beauty, there was a way to remove fat with instant steps. One is liposuction. For those who are lazy trying to shrink the upper arm naturally, techniques this instant be an option, even if have to spend deep to get through it. Not to mention the side effects that can actually make you regret it, like the appearance of scarring, irritation and allergies.

Natural ways to shrink the upper arm

Natural process still remains the first recommendation. In addition to cheap, easy also no side effects. There are several ways you can do to shrink the upper arm are:


1. Theraband Squat.

The tools you need are Theraband placed on the floor. You stepped on the middle and hold the ends of both sides with your hands. Then take a breath, knees bent until thighs are parallel to the base and then hold hands. After that, legs straightened out while exhaling and maintain a position hands. This serves to shrink sleeves and muscle toning.

2. Alternating Curls
Your feet and legs opened wide, then your knees slightly bent. After that, put your arms at your sides with grasping dumbbells, stand back and make sure the upper arm is next. Furthermore, doing curls; one arm bent elbow and fist raised to shoulder height. Then slowly straightened arm and re-positioned beside the body. It was repeated on the other hand. How to naturally shrink sleeve top with dumbbells can help you to have an arm that is not sagged again.

3. Weighted Punch
You should stand when doing it, so that your back straight. Second hand holding a dumbbell, then lift your right hand up as high, then hand-drawn to its original position but at the same time, you move your left hand up. Do it repeatedly and regularly, then you will get a beautiful and toned arms.

4. Shoulder press
Stand with legs wide open, then two hands to bring the barbell lifted into the air. After that, pull the hand to the shoulder slowly. You can try every day to produce small arms.

You can do the physical activity at home, take your time, although only 30 minutes each day, then you will have a slender hand. Of course you should not be lazy to practice it, because it does require patience. Each work done will never be in vain.

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Functions / Benefits Heating & Stretching Before Sports

Maybe you've been a regular childhood activities heating or warming up before exercising. During the first school we are taught to warm up before entering into practice lessons in the field of sports. At least we were told to jog around the field or traveling on the roads outside the vicinity of the school. When exercise early in the morning along with any movement exercises for the coming heating definitely not too late


there may be wondering why the heating should be done? What is the function and benefits of warming up before strenuous physical activities like sports? And a variety of other questions that may remain unanswered to this day. Which is certainly very important to warm up before exercise. Rather than regret later for not warmed up, then do the heating, although only briefly.

A. Functions / benefits heating before sports

sports involve the movement of muscles, joints and bones in considerable intensity. By warming the blood sport that is rich in nutrients and oxygen will flow to the muscles that are ready to be driven heavier work. While the usefulness or benefits of the sport itself is to strengthen the muscles, bones, heart, lungs and accelerate blood circulation.

B. Type / form heating the quick and easy

heating or warming up can be done without the help of any tools and without charge, ie with light jogging, aerobics, jogging in place, and others. Enough to our body sweats, hot and feel quite warming of approximately 5 to 15 minutes can be followed by stretching or stretching for a few minutes so that the muscles more flexible use later.

C. Effect, impact, and the result of not doing warming sports

without warming up enough before doing sports activities dominant moving a muscle, joints and bones can lead to injury to muscle and joint injuries. Of course, the injury would greatly interfere with the activity and may be very painful that need further medical treatment. Injuries can be shaped muscle sprains, whiplash, sprains, muscle cramps, muscle pain, and so on.

D. Stretching / streching the good and true

after warming up making a little sweat, then followed by stretching or strenching. Both heating and stretching should be done in a lightweight and low capacity not too excessive. If done can lead to excessive joint injuries. Do not let the sport has not been feeling tired or exhausted weight. If it is done properly, the body will be ready to carry out sports activities. Then work out with a feeling chirpy without coercion and forget about all the problems that exist.

Add on:

know yourself and select the appropriate exercise to avoid fatal accidents during exercise. If you include the physically weak and rarely exercise should avoid strenuous exercise heart need work such as football, indoor soccer, basketball, tennis, badminton, and so forth. Examples of lightweight sports activities and healthy and can be done almost everyone is brisk walking 30 minutes a few times a week.

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